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Електронна бібліотека кулінарна

tasty newspaper

Закачав користувач Вкусная Газета
Автори: The international Cook Alliance
Рік: 2012
Мова: Англійська
Скачування: 0 Аль
Скачали: 2607
Файл: ZIP, 10 МБ
We welcome our readers on the pages of our first newspaper about food and restaurant business.
“Delicious newspaper” addresses professionals as well as everyone who likes to cook at home. Of course we remember our connoisseurs and restaurant luxury experts. Everyone will find interesting information in our newspaper. Experts can find useful information about new tendency in restaurant business while amateurs may give a glance behind the scene of high cuisine and touch the mystery of great world of restaurant mastery and culinary chic!

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